There are certain steps that you need to take if you want to become a very good biodigester constructor and gain the trust of homeowners and prospective clients.
And that’s exactly what I’m going to share with you in this write-up:
The four biggest biodigester construction secrets that you need to know if you are a biodigester constructor
You can watch the video version of this article when you scroll to the bottom of the post.
The first biodigester construction secret that you need to know is to be an apprentice if you want to be a good biodigester constructor.
This shouldn’t be hard to understand; for any kind of job that you want to enter into, you need experience, and experience comes from being an apprentice.
It means that you have to learn on the job to become a good constructor.
I have seen some so-called artisans fail miserably just by taking on jobs that they have no clue about.
And then they are out of the market because nobody is going to give them a referral for such a job that they have done.
What it means is that you do not become the qualified installer that you want to be. And then you do not get prospective jobs or prospective clients in the future.
So apprenticeship is key to becoming a very good biodigester installer.
When I started my biodigester construction business, I worked with a company and an understudy for two years to understand all the permutations and all the implications of every job that we were doing.
I asked relevant questions to understand the various work-related scenarios, did some research, and got abreast of current trends before setting up my own company.
And it was key to getting the whole system right.
Because the key thing is for biodigesters, you need to know that you need to have a good gradient, you need to know the location, where you are going to locate the digester, and you need to understand how and where technically the slopes are going to come from, how many pipes are coming from the house, and how all these things are going to be managed.
Then, depending on the average number of users at a particular facility, you need to decide whether you need to do one or two digesters and whether you need to do a large or standard digester.
So these are some of the few key things that you need to know.

Take on jobs you know you can finish.
The second biggest biodigester construction secret that you need to know is to take on jobs that you can execute successfully.
Just simply take on projects that you know you can execute to the best of your ability. Do not go and take on a project you know is not within your capacity, both technically and financially.
So take on simple projects. simple, low-income houses in your area. Do a simple, small biodigester for them and say, I’m not going to charge you.
‘Just buy me the materials, and then I’ll get the job done for you’.
And then you can build your confidence. You can build your project list and use it for referrals. You can build your understanding based on that simple task.
Then you can use that to do all your observations and then write down some notes.
Use different materials. If you can get two or three different projects going, try different decomposition materials and see which one will work best for you.

Consult and collaborate with other biodigester installers.
The third biggest biodigester construction secret that you need to know is to consult other constructors.
If you do have a job and are not sure of what it is that you are doing, ask questions.
You have to collaborate. I do get jobs, and I’m on the phone with some of the experienced contractors that I know in the system, and I ask them questions. Sometimes I have to go and take them to the site to get a second opinion and a different understanding of what it is that we are doing.
And you need to know all these things when you want to construct a biodigester. So consult other qualified installers or constructors of biodigesters and seek their second opinion if you want to become a good biodigester constructor.
Ask the homeowner the right questions.
The fourth most important biodigester construction secret you need to know as a biodigester constructor is to ask the homeowner the right questions.
The right questions can be in the form of how many bedrooms are there, the number of toilet seats that you have in the house, where the project or facility is located, and what kind of soil, in your estimation, is there on the compound.
Most of them will ask you to come to the house and do an inspection. But it’s good to have background knowledge of what exactly you are going to meet when you show up on a project site.
So to get an understanding of what you are in for, it’s good to ask the right question before you conclude whether this is a digester or a project that you can take on.
The moment you ask the right question, you know exactly what you are going to do.
Some homeowners will prefer that you put the digester in a particular location.
And if that’s what technically meets your requirement and it’s okay for you, go ahead.
So it’s key to always ask the right questions when you want to construct a biodigester.
So these are the four biodigester construction secrets that you need to understand if you want to become a very good and qualified biodigester constructor.
Download the ebook on how to construct a simple onsite biodegradable toilet waste biodigester.
Learn how to construct a biodigester by following the steps in the video below;
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